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My name is Ariel and I guess you could call me a Solitary, Eclectic Neo-Pagan. What, you ask yourself, does that mean? Well, for starters, I practice one of the oldest earth-based religions, Paganism. I throw in the "Neo" because I like how it sounds and it means the same thing with or without the "Neo"; it is just how you choose to name it. I think Selena Fox, at Circle Sanctuary put it best, and I am going to have a page in this website that will contains "A Pledge to Pagan Spirituality" which was written by her, that beautifully spells out most of my beliefs.

It was slightly less than three years ago that I discovered that there was a name to my personal belief system and that many other people shared it. Boy, was I thrilled. Lately, as I look around the web, it seems that there about as many Pagans out there as in any other formal religion.

The reason I call myself "solitary" is two-fold. First, due to a combination of congenital problems and an accident, I am housebound a good part of the time; and secondly, and more importantly, I say I am solitary because my faith is very personal to me, and I choose to practice it alone.

When I say "eclectic", it's because I am really teachig myself as I go along, and I am taking things to guide me from a variety of sources, some of them with varying view points. I take what is right for me and leave the rest. As I said, it is a personal belief. I do want to write more about that, and will do that later.